Quranic Prism
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Every Muslim believes that Islam is a comprehensive and complete code of life for human race. But in spite of this strong belief, most of us do not have an approach to the real and original fountain head of Islam-the Holy Quran. Reading, reciting and learning the Quran by heart are not the ways of real approach to it. By approach I mean that we should understand what the Quran says to us, what message it conveys to us, and what demand it makes from us. We must understand all these things. Unless we understand them, we have no right to say that we have got approach to the Quran, or that we have grasped its spirit. Apart from this learning approach, it is not possible to practise Islam unless we understand the aims, ideals and the message of this Holy Book.
The Quran is not like other books that are the product of human thought and effort, it is radically different from all of them. These books are divided, for the convenience of the readers, into a few chapters, which are further divided into a large’ number of sub-headings. One chapter, short or long, comprises only one topic, the central point of discussion is the same, and all arguments revolve round it. But the Quran is not a book of this type. It is a unique book of its kind-unique in respect of both theme and subject, and sequence of topics. I would rather say, that, with all its Arabic language, it is entirely distinct from all other Arabic compositions in diction, tone and style. If the Quran is compared with contemporary Arabic literature, we will discover little similarity between the- two with regard to tone and style.
The period of Quran’s revelation extends to about 23 years. There were times when a complete Surah was revealed, at other times a few verses or only a single verse came down. Injuctions came down as the situation demanded. The revelations of the Quran are like the instructions of a teacher to his pupil, or the guidance by a father to his children. Injunctions were given according to the demand of the occasion, one thing was commanded, another was prohibited. In such matters there is not the logical order that consists in ordinary books. Hazrat Muhammad, the last of Prophets (PBUH) was sent as a guide and teacher for all humanity, for all times to come. So is the Book revealed to him a fountain- head of instruction and guidance for all mankind, forever. Again, as God made the Holy Prophet an embodiment of the virtues and accomplishments in knowledge and character, of all the prophets taken together, similarly the Book revealed to him was made an epitome and essence of all the divine knowledge, and perfected it into a complete code of life so that the people of all times and climes may receive guidance from it in all their worldly and religious affairs.
Revolutions, upheavals, may transform the world, nations may transplant each other, customs and traditions may alter, new needs and demands may arise, but at no stage will there be a situation in which man fails to receive guidance from this Book. This Perspicuous Book itself has proclaimed, (we have omitted nothing from this Book). The Bearer of the Quran has remarked about it; It is the Book of God; it is not a sport and a pastime; it is the arbiter of all disputes among you; it has the authority of clear law. Whosoever seeks guidance from any other source than this book, will go astray from the right path. The mysteries, marvels and wisdom enshrined in it are inexhaustible.
Hazart Umar has remarked about it, “Many a nation in the world will be ascendant by practising this book, while many others will be debased for neglecting it.”
History bears witness that the nations and the people who followed the teachings of the Quran, were triumphant in every sphere, and, according to Allah’s promise, are also entitled to the blessings of the world hereafter.
What we are to consider now, is how a common man can avail himself of this Book of guidance, the fountain-head of knowledge and wisdom; how a man who is not well-versed in its language can understand its meaning and message. The Muslim scholars have never failed to solve this problem. The work of explanation and exposition of this Book that started during the days of the Holy Prophet is still continued.
With the change in circumstances, and with the happening of new events and incidents, the methods of the exegesists and annotators have always been changing But men of knowledge and insight have not been heedless for a single moment. They have written books with such titles as “difficulties in the Quran” for the exposition of compact and complex verses. Books were also written on Eloquence in the Quran. Then the points of inter-relationship between verses were elucidated and compiled to elucidate Quranic vocabulary. Voluminous works were brought out illustrating the injunctions in the verses. Narratives, similitudes and miracles of the Quran were made the topics of discussion. With the advent of the age of science, the proof of scientific inventions and creations was adduced from the Quran, and it was explained how the scientific inventions were serving as substantive arguments in favour of many claims of the Quran that were not acceptable to rationalistic brains.
Going a step further, men of learning started compiling dictionaries, glossaries and Indexes of the words and meanings of the Holy Quran. This was a work of no small importance, for it facilitated the approach to the Quran for those who have no command of its vocabulary. It also provided valuable material to those who want to pick out any of the numerous issues in the Quran as the topic of their research and learned dissertation.
A similar effort has, by the grace of God, been made by Malik Abdul Hakim, who has compiled an index of the Holy Quran, with its title as the Quranic Prism.
The Quran is interspersed with the same theme at various places, and it is difficult for a person to discover, for example, in which different parts, Surahs and Verses, several injunctions about the prohibition of intoxicants are given.
Malik Abdul Hakim has solved this difficulty. He has assembled different Quranic verses related to one topic, bringing them all at one place under one main head. For example, eight verses about “Interest” appear in four different Surahs. In this Index all these verses have been brought together under the same head. With this system of captioned arrangement of the verses, a reader is satisfied that all the Quranic verses about a particular topic have been given in this Index at one place under one head, and he does not bother whether there can be any other verse in the Quran about the same topic.
Another creditable feature of this Index is that not only the references to all the verses about single topics (e.q. Intoxicants, Retribution, Witness-etc.) have been given under main headings, but the Arabic text of the respective verses has also been carefully transcribed with full reference to Parah, Surah and Verse. Not only this; the Urdu and English versions have also been juxtaposed. This inclusion- of the bilingual versions along with the original Arabic text has made this index still more useful for a researcher, a writer and a compiler, and understanding of the Quran has become far more convenient for the common reader.
Mr. Malik tells us that for the Urdu translation he has depended mainly on the version of Maulana Fateh Muhmmad Jallundhri, and at a few places on that of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Maulana Abul Aala Mauaudi. For English translation he has relied entirely upon Pickthal Marmaduke.
The Quranic Prism compiled and edited by Malik Abdul Hakim is indeed, a work of very great value for those interested in the knowledge of the Quran, and it can be asserted without fear of contradiction, that to the work that has been so far done in this field, the Quranic Prism is a highly valuable contribution.
May Allah accept his devotional labour. Amin
The Holy Quran is the foundation of Islam and the life of the Muslims. This Great Book is the light-house of guidance for us. It enlightens our lives in this world and shall dispel darkness In the world Hereafter. The Holy Quran is perspicuous, and clearly discriminates, between truth and falsehood. It is lucid, crystal clear, and presents every point in an unambiguous manner. Allah has called the Quran “Majestic”, and has thus made manifest for us the real meaning of Majesty The Holy Quran is a happy augury for mankind. It is a message which, If reminded frequently, reveals new nuances of meanings and new aspects of truth before the believers.
Allah has called this book “Al - Kitab”, which lexically means “The Book of Law”. This book was revealed to guide humanity, particularly the believers, till the Day of Judgement, and will continue to be the law of life till eternity.
A period of fourteen hunderd years bears witness to fact that this Holy Book thas guided humanity in all ages. It has brought out its meaning before us day by day with greater lucidity, more brightness’ and certainly. Its perspicuity is the gurantee of its being an eternal guidance for humanity.
The study of the Holy Quran interminably opens up a multiplicity of dimensions in its contents. The best minds of the world have devoted their days and nights to its study and explication. The first explicator of the Holy Quran was the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) himself. All the anthologies of the Prophet’s traditions contain the principles of exegesis of the Holy Quran. The erudition and the traditions of the venerable companions of the Holy Prophet (May Allah be pleased with them) enlarged upon the explanation and annotaiton of the Holy Quran, and this process is still continued by scholars. Twentieth century has added abundantly to the explication of the Holy Quran in Urdu language.
Among the exegeses that came out during this period, worth mentioning are: Muaraful Quran by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Tafheemul Quran by Syyed Maulana ·Abdul Aala Moudoodi, and the works of Maulana Amin Ahsan lslahi, Pir Karam Shah, Dr. Syyed Hamid Hasan Balgrami and Hamid Naseem.
In these works the collective features of Islam and the organization of an Islamic State have been expounded with great vigour and sincerity. In addition to these expositions, a great many Indexes and Glossaries have been published. Among these are the Indexes by Waheed-uz-Zaman Khan, Zahid alik and Ch: Nazar Muhammad are fairly detailed. I have also prepared a brief Index that is annexed to Dr. Hamid Hasan Balgrami’s Faizul Quran.
Now this new Index of the contents of the Holy Quran compiled by Malik Abdul Hakeem has been published under the title of Quranic Prism. He has devoted seventeen years to its compilation. Spending of days and nights,”for such a long’ period in the study of the Holy Quran is itself a great exercise in devotion. For this work, he has consulted standard translations, explications and annoations of a great many learned scholars belonging to different schools of thought, and he has also kept in view many other such Indexes already existent. By the Grace of Allah, while availing himself of different schools of thought, he has not evinced any narrow-mindedness and sectarian prejudice; nor has he allowed any juristic bigotry to influence his work. Indeed his broad-mindedness has helped him in presenting a very broad perspective for understanding the Holy Quran.
In this Index we also find a new style of organizing the contents. Mr Malik has given in this ex, not only the comprehensively detailed references to Surah, Para and Verses, but has also incorporated . along with the original Quranic Text, the authentic translations in Urdu and English.
The reader of the “Quranic Prism”, apart from knowing the references to themes and subjects, 2S an opportunity of reciting the Quranic Verses and thus earning’ abundan! blessings of the Almighty allah Moreover, it helps him not only to develop a genuine and deep-understanding of the Holy Quran but also affords him chances of committing the short Verses to memory by frequent repetitions.
The most prominent distinction of this Quranic Prism is that it includes all the 6336 Verses of the Holy Quran (Though there-Is some difference of opinion among the scholars and explicators regarding the total number of Quranic Verses, yet it does not affect in any way the study and understanding of the Quran).’
The fact is that, as the Prophet “PBUH” has said “ Deeds go after motives.” Mr. Malik’s noble ideal has illumined his path for him.
Mr. Malik’s work has opened up the path for the readers of Urdu and English to seek God’s grace and guidance with ease and convenience.
Mr. Malik has greatly benefited from his stay in’ Hermain Shareefain (the Holy cities of Makkah Mukarrama and Madina Munawwarah) and continued this noble task during his presence there. I believe that during one’s presence in Harmain Shareefain, even one’s blood chemistry is transformed, every glimpse of Khana Kaaba brings about an internal transformation in man, wherein the Almighty Allah (the Lord of the Holy House), bestows upon man a new existence, and metamorphoses him into a new being. The circumambulation of Khana Kaaba makes us feel that all the chains of selfish interests and wordly desires are broken one by one. In Madina Munawwarah, (the Holy city of Prophet) the feeling of presene and proximity of the Holy Prophet becomes a living truth. In adopting the Urdu translation in the “Quranic Prism” Mr. Malik has shown a very refined aesthetic sense, circumspection and moderation. He has made use of three standard translations, and has taken every care to avoid unnecessary details and digressions. It cannot be disputed that the Holy Quran is untranslatable; one can describe only the drift of its expressions, that is indispendsable for understanding its message.
In these materialistic and mercenary times, when hypocrisy and evasion from Allah’s commandments on the excuse of expediency has become the order of the day, Mr. Malik’s Quranic Prism will prove infinitely helpful to the common readers to make an analysis, in its light, of their positions, actions and intentions.
The Quranic Prism will not fail to impress upon us the veritable fact that our present debased position in the world is the guerdon of our own doings.
May Allah the Beneficent accept this devotional labour of Malik Abdul Hakim and reward him with his boundless blessings.
I have never had the audacity to lay claims to islami scholarship and qurani studies. That ideal will take several life-times for its pursuit. In fact, as one grows older, year by year, one is over awed by genuine humility out of the sobering realization of one’s own ever-growing limitations, including ignorance in the light of the contemporary information overload, and explosion of knowledge and learning.
After this necessary apologia, I need to say a few words about the present admirable labour of love by Abdul Hakeem Malik Sahib. In his preamble, he describes it to be a devoutly inspried attempt of compiling a subject index and thermatic reference source of the Holy Quran. He attributes its success to the prayers of his revered mother. It is trilingual, being in the original Arabic, Urdu and English. According to Malik Sahib, “The Arabic verses have been reproduced from the approved and certified copy of AI-Quran”. For its Urdu translation, he has depended primarily on Maulana Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari’s translation, and only partly ‘oh Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s and Maulana Maududi’s translations of the Holy Qruan. The English translation incorporated by him is of Marmaduke Piekthall.
Malik Sahib has rendered ‘Munshur-e-Quran’ as ‘Manifesto of the Quran’ His justification of the caption is both convincing and captivating it is three-fold, Literaly, ‘Munshur’ is meant to be ‘Manifesto’. Scientifically, it is as scintilatingly bright and luminous as a prism. And in appearance, the traingular texture of the prism symbolises with the present trilingual text.
Malik Sahib’s persistant dedication to this noble task is spread over 17 years of his life in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The work was started in 1978. Its pristine purpose is to provide ready guidance to the ordinary seeker of the Divine will in Allah’s own crystal clear language. It is on about all major Themes of the Holy Quran, ranging from the ‘Deen’ to “Dunya” spirituality to secularism, with their real- life applications to the main aspects of existence.
This Divine source of eternal enlightenment is for all humanity, non-Muslim and Muslim alike. Being trilingual, it is bound to benefit even the non-Arabic knowing students and devotees of Islam, especially the younger generations lured by the spell of secular westernism. In the current critical times of Islam- bashing, the present publication should go a long way in helping to remove the mischievous myths and naive misunderstandings about Islam, so that humanity can enter the 21st century more unbiasedly, open-mindedly, large-heartedly, receptively and peacefully.
In undertaking and accomplishing this soulful feat, Malik Sahib must be credited for continuing an extremely useful tradition of Islami Qurani Studies. His colleagues in the tradition are among others, Mr. Zahid Malik for “Subjects of the Quran” and like wise Lt: Col:(R) Sheikh Abdul Rauf for ‘The Vision”.
Finally, one can not simply help admiring, respecting, and blessing Abdul Hakeem Malik Saheb for this distinguished service .to Islami Studies, and thereby, ‘to Islam. He deserves every kudo and the heartiest congratulations on the success of his great venture. May Allah Almighty guide, protect and bless him in future, also! Amin! Suma Amin!
1. |
How to Consult this “Prism” |
vi |
2. |
Preamlbe by Compiler |
vii-x |
3. |
Introduction |
xi-xii |
4. |
Foreword |
xiii-xiv |
5. |
Preface |
xv |
6. |
Acknowledgement |
xvi |
7. |
Alphabetical Index |
xvii-xxi |
8. |
Trilingual Index of Chapters with Detailed Sub Heads |
9-50 |
9. |
QURANIC PRISM (Trilingual) |
20-699 |
10. |
Bibliography |
xxii |
11. |
About the Compiler |
xxiii |
12. |
For Overseas Distribution of this “PRISM” |
xxvi |
13. |
Instructions for English readers |
700 |
14. |
Maloomat-i-Quran (in Urdu Only) |
675 |
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